Craig Hullinger recently had a DNA test done with National Geographic. The graphic above shows that I am 1.8% Neanderthal - I always suspected it. His mother Louise Liffengren Hullinger is convinced that the Neanderthal could not have come from the Liffengren side of our family - it must be from the Hullingers.
My MtDNA Haplogroup - the DNA passed from mother to child - is H13ala. All the women descended from Barbo Tronrud and their descendants and all of their maternal ancestors share this MtDNA Haplogroup.
The H MtDNA is the dominant Haplogroup in Europe. About 1/2 of European women are of this group.
The H13ala is a subgroup of H and is far more rare. About 3% of the maternal lineages in Norway are this Haplogroup. The map below shows the path that our maternal ancestors took when leaving from Africa and migrating to Europe.
The map below shows the distribution of people of the "H" Haplogroup. It is the widest spread group in Europe.
AGE: 17,500 ± 4,200 YEARS AGO
Groups containing this lineage lived in the harsh climate of the Caucasus. From there, some have migrated to Europe and West Asia.
Today, this line is present at low frequency in both Asia and Europe, but its highest population frequency and diversity is present in the Caucasus. There, it is prominent in Dagestan (15 percent) and in Georgia (13.3 percent).
In West Asia, it is over 18 percent of some population groups in Iraq and about 13 percent of the population in United Arab Emirates.
In Europe, it is 3 to 4 percent of maternal lineages in Italy, 3 percent of maternal lineages in Norway, and about 2 percent of maternal lineages in Turkey.
Note: This branch is not accompanied by a major movement on the map, and research on this branch is continuing.
My general DNA information below is of course a 50 / 50 mix of Louise Liffengren Hullinger and Clifford Hullinger, so your DNA will be somewhat different. Still, it give someone who is a Liffengren a little insight into their DNA. They find that my DNA is most like a Finn - who knew? Don't tell our Norwegian relatives. Of course we can blame some of this on the Hullinger side.

My general DNA information below is of course a 50 / 50 mix of Louise Liffengren Hullinger and Clifford Hullinger, so your DNA will be somewhat different. Still, it give someone who is a Liffengren a little insight into their DNA. They find that my DNA is most like a Finn - who knew? Don't tell our Norwegian relatives. Of course we can blame some of this on the Hullinger side.
We are all more than the sum of our parts, but the results below offer some of the most dramatic and fascinating information in your Geno 2.0 test. In this section, we display your affiliations with a set of nine world regions. This information is determined from your entire genome so we’re able to see both parents’ information, going back six generations. Your percentages reflect both recent influences and ancient genetic patterns in your DNA due to migrations as groups from different regions mixed over thousands of years. Your ancestors also mixed with ancient, now extinct hominid cousins like Neanderthals in Europe and the Middle East or the Denisovans in Asia. If you have a very mixed background, the pattern can get complicated quickly! Use the reference population matches below to help understand your particular result. VIEW THE "WHO AM I" VIDEO

This component of your ancestry is found at highest frequency in northern European populations—people from the UK, Denmark, Finland, Russia and Germany in our reference populations. While not limited to these groups, it is found at lower frequencies throughout the rest of Europe. This component is likely the signal of the earliest hunter-gatherer inhabitants of Europe, who were the last to make the transition to agriculture as it moved in from the Middle East during the Neolithic period around 8,000 years ago.
Note: In some cases regional percentages may not total 100%.
Modern day indigenous populations around the world carry particular blends of these regions. We compared your DNA results to the reference populations we currently have in our database and estimated which of these were most similar to you in terms of the genetic markers you carry. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you belong to these groups or are directly from these regions, but that these groups were a similar genetic match and can be used as a guide to help determine why you have a certain result. Remember, this is a mixture of both recent (past six generations) and ancient patterns established over thousands of years, so you may see surprising regional percentages. Read each of the population descriptions below to better interpret your particular result.
This reference population is based on samples collected from people native to Finland. The dominant 57% Northern European component likely reflects the earliest settlers in Europe, hunter-gatherers who arrived there more than 35,000 years ago. The 17% Mediterranean and 17% Southwest Asian percentages arrived later, with the spread of agriculture from the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, over the past 10,000 years. As these early farmers moved into Europe, they spread their genetic patterns as well. Today, northern European populations retain the links to both earliest Europeans and these later migrants from the Middle East. The 7% Northeast Asian component reflects mixing with native Siberian populations, particularly the reindeer-herding Saami people of far northern Scandinavia.
This reference population is based on samples collected from the native population of Greece. The 54% Mediterranean and 17% Southwest Asian percentages reflect the strong influence of agriculturalists from the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, who arrived here more than 8,000 years ago. The 28% Northern European component likely comes from the pre-agricultural population of Europe—the earliest settlers, who arrived more than 35,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic period. Today, this component predominates in northern European populations, while the Mediterranean component is more common in southern Europe.
When our ancestors first migrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, they were not alone. At that time, at least two other species of hominid cousins walked the Eurasian landmass: Neanderthals and Denisovans. Most non-Africans are about 2% Neanderthal. The Denisovan component of your Geno 2.0 results is more experimental, as we are still working to determine the best way to assess the percentage Denisovan ancestry you carry. The evolution of this data is another way you are actively involved in helping advance knowledge of anthropological genetics!